Beyond Antifungal MICs

Fungicidal activity, biofilms and tissue distribution

Russell E. Lewis, Pharm.D.
Associate Professor- Infectious Diseases
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences
University of Bologna


  • How do deep-seated infections and biofilms alter drug penetration and fungal killing?
  • How can we adapt antifungal selection an dosing strategies to account for these changes?

deep-seated, adj

“Being so far below the surface as to be non-susceptible to
superficial examination, study or treatment” 1

“…very fixed and strong; difficult to change or destroy.” 2

Deep-seated vs. “uncomplicated” infections

PK/PD of antifungal therapy

(Theuretzbacher, 2012)

How important is fungicidal activity?

Disease Evidence References
Cryptococcal meningitis Early fungicidal activity (EFA) > 0.2 log10/day in CSF is a surrogate marker for 18 week survival (Bicanic et al., 2009; Jarvis et al., 2022; Pullen et al., 2020; Rhein et al., 2016)
Invasive candidiasis AMB or echinocandins achieve a higher probability of early therapeutic success and decreased risk of relapse (Andes et al., 2012; Kumar et al., 2018)
Invasive aspergillosis Poorer outcomes reported with fungistatic echinocandin monotherapy in EORTC probable/proven aspergillosis (Ullmann et al., 2018; Viscoli et al., 2009)

Biofilm-mediated resistance

(Ciofu et al., 2022; Mitchell et al., 2015)

How do fungal cells survive fungicidal drug exposure?

  • Increased drug sequestration by biofilm matrix (glucan-mannans)
  • Up-regulation of drug efflux pumps
  • Immune cell evasion
  • Persister cells

(Nett and Andes, 2020; Wuyts et al., 2018)

Persister cells survive fungicidal drug exposures

(Nett and Andes, 2020; Wuyts et al., 2018)

Antifungal susceptibility in biofilms

(Chatzimoschou et al., 2011)

Biofilms aid escape from the host immune response

(Kernien et al., 2018)

Biofilms aid immune-evasion during invasive aspergillosis

(Loussert et al., 2010; Subroto et al., 2022)

Biofilms modulate innate host immune response against Aspergillus

(Subroto et al., 2022)

Aspergillus biofilms are adapted to environmental conditions and host responses

(Subroto et al., 2022)

Rapid laboratory methods for detection of
high-biofilm producers

(De Carolis et al., 2019)

PK/PD of antifungal therapy

(Theuretzbacher, 2012)

Antifungal tissue distribution patterns

(Felton et al., 2014)

Inflammation and transporters affect antifungal distribution into the CNS

Single measurements of tissue homogenates are crude and potentially misleading

(Felton et al., 2014)

Matrix-assisted desorption ionization mass spectrometry imaging

(Prideaux and Stoeckli, 2012; Zhao et al., 2017)

Drug distribution in infected liver tissue after a single dose of micafungin

(Zhao et al., 2017)

Continuous monitoring of blood or interstitial fluid (ISF) antifungal concentrations

(Rawson et al., 2021)

Barriers to current antifungal TDM approaches

(Rawson et al., 2021)


  • Timely (early) fungicidal antifungal activity provides the best opportunity for reducing deep-seated (biofilm-associated) infections

  • Antifungal therapy should be ideally selected not only its basis to kill fungal cells in vitro, but also its ability to penetrate the fungal extracellular matrix and achieve optimal fungicidal concentrations in tissue

  • Emerging technologies have the potential to address knowledge gaps of how to optimally dose antifungals for deep-tissue infections


All figures, unless otherwise cited, were created at:


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